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"Eventing made easy at Eventers International"
- Be part of a journey
- Enjoy social occasions in beautiful locations.
- VIP access to all top events
- Syndicates available
- Fixed packages available
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Clinics and Tuition
Train with Tiny
Roy Midwood Clinics
Clinics and Private lessons available
Full Elite Athlete Management Packages
Consultancy for all equestrian needs
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At Eventers International we aim to provide the best possible care for your horse. The combination of years of experience, attention to detail and bespoke packages we believe we are equivalent to a 5-star hotel for the equine athlete. Click on the link below to see some of our livery packages. Tell me more...

“Eventing made easy at Eventers International”
Be part of a journey
Enjoy social occasions in beautiful locations
VIP access to all top events
Syndicates available
Fixed packages available
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Clinics and Tuition
Roy Midwood Clinics
Train with Tiny
Clinics and Private lessons available
Full Elite Athlete Management Packages
Consultancy for all equestrian needs
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At Eventers international we aim to provide the bet possible care for your horse possible. The combination of years of experience, attention to detail and bespoke packages we believe we are equivalent to a 5 star hotel for the equine athlete. Below are some of our livery packages, these are examples please feel free to call and discuss any other livery packages that may be more suited to your needs. Tell me more...

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